• Interdisciplinarity in Urban Studies

    Interdisciplinarity in Urban Studies

    Urban Studies is generally recognized as a textbook example of an interdisciplinary field of inquiry.  Contributors look to synthesize observations and insights from multiple disciplines including anthropology, geography, history, sociology and many others.  Such integrative work has the potential to […]

  • (Affordable) Housing and Urban Development

    (Affordable) Housing and Urban Development

    (A version of the following appeared in today’s Denver Post, co-authored with Kyle Cascioli). In Colorado many of us think about access to affordable housing as a problem for resort workers in mountain towns.  Although it is a peculiarity of […]

  • The University and The City

    The University and The City

    The University of Denver promises, in its vision statement, to be “a great private university dedicated to the public good.”  In 2006 a campus conference about the university’s relationship to the city provided an opportunity to explore ways that DU can partner […]

  • Introducing 9th and Colorado

    Introducing 9th and Colorado

    One of the more interesting urban infill projects taking shape in Denver is the redevelopment of the old University of Colorado Health Sciences Center campus at 9th Avenue and Colorado Boulevard.  The best reporting on this project and its history […]

  • Evolution’s City

    Evolution’s City

    The June 9 issue of the journal Nature (volume 474:146-149) has an interesting article about the work that evolutionary biologist David Sloan Wilson is doing in Binghamton NY to improve life in that blighted city (the home of Binghamton University, Wilson’s […]

  • Land Tax Reform and Urban Growth

    (A version of the following appeared in the Pueblo Chieftain, co-authored with Kyle Cascioli, June 19, 2011). Colorado Governor Hickenlooper recently signed into law House Bill 1146 rolling back the state’s favorable agricultural property tax rates for landowners who do […]

  • Agricultural Zoning and Urban Sustainability

    Agricultural Zoning and Urban Sustainability

    (A version of the following appeared in The Fort Collins Coloradoan, co-authored with Kyle Cascioli and Ron Throupe, April 9, 2011) It is sometimes said that the last crop to come out of dedicated farmland is a subdivision.  The Denver Post […]

  • Housing Colorado’s Homeless

    Housing Colorado’s Homeless

    (The following appeared in The Boulder Daily Camera, co-authored with Kyle Cascioli, February 27, 2011). Governor John Hickenlooper has long been an advocate for Colorado’s homeless.  As mayor of Denver Hickenlooper’s 2010 budget increased the amount that the city spent […]

  • Culturing Community in Urban Design

    Culturing Community in Urban Design

    (A version of the following appeared in The Denver Post, co-authored with Kyle Cascioli, February 7, 2011). Former mayor Federico Peña once implored Denverites to “Imagine a Great City.”  The Denver Post is regularly filled with opinions about how we might […]

  • A Vision for Urban Anthropology

    It has become commonplace to view cities as cultural artifacts that reflect and reproduce human relationships, values, and aspirations. Intercultural Urbanism is an interdisciplinary approach to urban design and planning that takes stock of the cultural values that shape how […]