
  • North Lincoln Homes Development, Denver (Cyrus McCrimmon, The Denver Post )

    Affordable Housing and Social Inclusion

    Over the last 15 years cities have provided, with the assistance of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), an increasing amount of affordable housing for the nation’s poorest families. Even with the growth of HUD assistance programs the […]

  • Eminent Domain and Economic Development: An Admirable Colorado Example

    (Speaking of Pruitt-Igoe and “urban renewal”, a version of the following appeared in yesterday’s Brighton Blade, co-authored with Kyle Cascioli and Ron Throupe) The Metro Wastewater Reclamation District (MWRD) recently paid for 84 families and businesses to relocate in order […]

  • (Affordable) Housing and Urban Development

    (Affordable) Housing and Urban Development

    (A version of the following appeared in today’s Denver Post, co-authored with Kyle Cascioli). In Colorado many of us think about access to affordable housing as a problem for resort workers in mountain towns.  Although it is a peculiarity of […]

  • Land Tax Reform and Urban Growth

    (A version of the following appeared in the Pueblo Chieftain, co-authored with Kyle Cascioli, June 19, 2011). Colorado Governor Hickenlooper recently signed into law House Bill 1146 rolling back the state’s favorable agricultural property tax rates for landowners who do […]

  • Agricultural Zoning and Urban Sustainability

    Agricultural Zoning and Urban Sustainability

    (A version of the following appeared in The Fort Collins Coloradoan, co-authored with Kyle Cascioli and Ron Throupe, April 9, 2011) It is sometimes said that the last crop to come out of dedicated farmland is a subdivision.  The Denver Post […]

  • Housing Colorado’s Homeless

    Housing Colorado’s Homeless

    (The following appeared in The Boulder Daily Camera, co-authored with Kyle Cascioli, February 27, 2011). Governor John Hickenlooper has long been an advocate for Colorado’s homeless.  As mayor of Denver Hickenlooper’s 2010 budget increased the amount that the city spent […]

  • Culturing Community in Urban Design

    Culturing Community in Urban Design

    (A version of the following appeared in The Denver Post, co-authored with Kyle Cascioli, February 7, 2011). Former mayor Federico Peña once implored Denverites to “Imagine a Great City.”  The Denver Post is regularly filled with opinions about how we might […]