Archive for June, 2013

  • Catching Up With 9th and Colorado

    Catching Up With 9th and Colorado

    It has been a while since we wrote about this interesting, controversy-filled, and ongoing saga of Denver infill development.   Previous posts are archived here.  Some interesting things have transpired since last writing back in December 2012. King Soopers pulled out […]

  • An Eyewitness Report From Salvador, Brazil

    An Eyewitness Report From Salvador, Brazil

    Like the insurgency in Turkey, this week’s insurgency in multiple Brazilian cities goes squarely to a citizenry’s right to the city: its infrastructure, public space, economic and social resources, and processes of political decision-making.  This evening a colleague at the […]

  • IRISE Rising

    IRISE Rising

    In previous posts I’ve addressed my university’s interest in building partnerships with the city of Denver and some of the barriers that impede interdisciplinary teaching and research on campus. The prospects for better partnerships and interdisciplinary work on a host […]

  • An Eyewitness Report From Gezi Park, Istanbul

    An Eyewitness Report From Gezi Park, Istanbul

    Regarding the recent insurgency in Taksim Square, my colleague and research collaborator Randy McGuire this evening forwarded the following email message from a Binghamton University graduate student, Hande Sarikuzu, who’s on the scene and asks that the news be shared […]

  • Denver: An Archaeological and Contemporary History

    Denver: An Archaeological and Contemporary History

    Yesterday I had the honor of speaking in the University of Denver’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute’s (OLLI) Summer Seminar series. I’ve spoken to this engaged and perceptive group of adult learners before, on topics having to do with human evolution. […]