Archive for September, 2011

  • Urbanology 101

    Urbanology 101

    Kaid Benfield’s recent post about the BMW-Guggenheim Lab’s Urbanology game inspired me to play the game a few times myself.  Then I asked my University of Denver Culture and The City class (which met for the first time last week) to […]

  • Calatrava Plan DOA at DIA

    Calatrava Plan DOA at DIA

    Well, not exactly dead on arrival, but close.   Almost from the start the great Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava’s designs for Denver International Airport’s South Terminal Project were assailed by critics  for disrespecting the original (and now iconic) Curtis Fentress design […]

  • The Monumental MLK

    The Monumental MLK

    Public monuments are an important aspect of the good city. In his Art of Building Cities (1889)—a book that helped to establish the modern study of urban design—Camillo Sitte suggested that monuments “bring back historical memories” and constitute “the glory […]